Entrance to the all new CMIC Library
The Significant development of CMIC Library was the transfer of the Elementary & Junior High, Senior
High and College libraries into one location (400 sq. mts. equivalent to 4 classrooms) at the ground floor
of CMIC building that is visible and accessible to any points in the campus by library stakeholders in July –
August 1, 2022.
With the new location, it can now house a bigger library collection of books, journals, newspaper and
other materials to support teaching-learning & research.

- Regular library orientation to new students at the beginning of every semester for college students &
start of school year for Basic Education - Library Instruction for students in research classes (APA citation Format) every semester
- Formulated the 5 Year Collection Management Action Plan
- Actual book selection by faculty members during the Albasa Book Fair in July 18-19,2023
- Increased seating capacity of 80 students at a time